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Main Panel

Mouse over the DCS Web Viewer logo in the top-left to reveal the main panel:



Press Load mission file (.miz), alternatively use the Ctrl + L keyboard shortcut. This will open a file explorer window to navigate to your desired .miz file.

Load remote mission (url) loads a .miz file hosted over a local or web server.

File Editor

When a mission is loaded, options will appear to download the different script files contained within the .miz.


All paintings and text added via the drawing or text tool can be exported in a .json format via Save paintings, allowing for visual preperation of a briefing beforhand.

Load paintings will load a paintings .json file.

These paintings are compatible with the DCS Web Editor and vice versa.

Show / Hide Units

These options allow the user to hide units related to a particular coalition, or it's 'Hidden' properties set within the editor.

Show / Hide Spider Cards

These options will show a circular grid pattern originating from the respective coalition's Bullseye.

Print View removes UI elements to allow for decluttered screenshots.

Mapbox Key

To allow for certain Map Tiles to load, head to and sign up for a mapbox key, which you can paste here.